- Unfortunately the stored QuestTimer quests.xml files were corrupted in the transition to the new server.
If you see the error "Failed to uncompress Quest XML from database", you'll need to upload your quests again.
- I've transferred the website to a new host. Email me if you find any broken links or features that aren't working.
- An updated map for GoArrow is available. It includes the Ancient Lugian Fortress from the May 2010 patch,
as well as some other minor terrain changes since the last map update in November 2008.
» As usual, you can download it in either standard colors
or dark colors. To install: Download the flavor of
DerethMap.zip you prefer (dark or light) and replace the one in the GoArrow folder (don't unzip it).
» To go along with the updated map, I updated MapRegions.xml
to avoid generating routes that involve running through the ocean to/from the Ancient Lugian Fortress.
Save it in the folder where you installed GoArrow.
- And we're back. Sorry for the downtime, the hosting company lost all of
the files on my website.
I've tried to restore the website from my local backup. Send me an email
if you find a broken link or incorrect information.
- I've also updated the file used by GoArrow's route finding algorithm uses to avoid generating
routes that go through the ocean.
» Download MapRegions.xml and save it in
the GoArrow Folder.
» If you're interested, here is a map showing
the regions.
- I updated the GoArrow map (again) to add in Moarsman Island as well. If you downloaded the
updated map yesterday, you'll need to download it again.
- An updated GoArrow Map is now available! It includes the new island from the 100th patch.
» You can download it in either standard colors or dark colors:
To install: Download DerethMap.zip and replace the one in the GoArrow folder (don't unzip it).
- I created a page to help people who can't update Decal's XML files. If
clicking Update in Decal doesn't give you the latest memlocs files, this
may help you. The page is located at: